Understanding Human Experiences

At the heart of XM are the humans who have experiences with organizations. This journey builds an understanding of how people think, feel, and act, including how XM taps into the biases and heuristics that people rely on every day.

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Description:  Human beings are the focus of all experience management (XM) efforts. These courses explore how humans process experiences, why emotions are so important in XM, and what organizations need to keep in mind to design and deliver superior experiences to customer, employees, partners, and other in their XM ecosystem.

Prerequisites: None.        |           Estimated Time: 2 hours

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the Human Experience Cycle and its implications on managing XM
  • Explore the 6 characteristics of humans and the key heuristics and biases that shape how they think and act
  • Understand the impact of empathy and emotion and why they matter in XM
  • Navigate the three strategies to effectively design experiences for human beings